By | February 1, 2011

Those who believe are rewarded early in life. The twelve animals in the Chinese horoscope know this by responding and believing to the call of Buddha to celebrate with him one New Year a long time ago.

February 3, 2011 marks the year of the rabbit. This is a year of many changes — from good to best, worst to better. One must be very aggressive and fast in making decisions and putting everything in action in order to achieve this. Love, romance, and family life are well-starred with new positive meaning and heights.
Too much aggression however, will leave those who failed with ill-feelings towards those who will make it. This will be the draw back of this fast-phased year.

And now for the rest of the animal signs:

RAT 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

This is a year for creativity and new discovery for those under the Rat sign. It is also a good time to marry especially on the months of July, August, December, and January of 2010 for it will bring wealth and long life. Moreover, a child born of a Rat parent in the months of December and January of the Rabbit year will bring luck and harmony to the family. Likewise, career and other money-related issues are all on a positive note in the months of April, May, and November.

OX 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

This is the time for change, not in terms of career path, residence, or relationship but change in your outlook in life and surroundings. The problem is that Ox people are very predictable that is why no matter how hard they try to push their ideas, it is doomed to fail from the start. It is the time for Ox people to use their head rather than their heart. March, August and December are the best months for the Ox to succeed in the elusive change of life.

TIGER 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

The Tiger has a lot of energy to play with this year. This will bring them into new levels in all aspects of their life. The only draw back for Tiger people is the feeling of boredom once they realize that what they used to think is necessary to learn proves to be a mistake after all. It is never wrong to have an increase in income or salary but how you are going to spend it is another thing. The best months for the Tiger people are the months of August and September while the rest of the year will be just fine.

RABBIT 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

The long wait is over – the time that Rabbit people are waiting for is here. The full swing of momentum is now at a high-pace. However, it is advised for the Rabbit not to stress themselves with so many fruitful activities this year. Health issues will be the main negative concern for the Rabbit people this year for they just don’t know when to stop and take a rest. Best months are March, May, October, and November.

DRAGON 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

This is a balanced year for the Dragon. The lucky Dragon may get a promotion in the months of March and July. Travelling during the months of September and November will bring additional cash rewards for the Dragon. Expect to meet new friends and lovers this year. Old interest may also comeback but will create problems later in life.

SNAKE 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

New opportunities will open in the year of the Rabbit for the Snake people. You will be very busy this year but always remember that even engines need to be well-maintained to function well. Indulging in too much work/ activities to earn more and be successful will result to health related problems by the end of the year. Always maintain a well-balanced schedule of work, rest, and diet and everything will be just fine.

HORSE 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

The natural fast character of the animal horse will not be around this year. On the contrary, they will move in a slow-phased motion thus, several new opportunities will be lost. Make sure to manage your spending this year for a better future. The best months for the horse people are the months of April, May, October, and November.

GOAT 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

This is the year to spend on shopping and buying spree. This is the time to put your money to use to achieve your desires and dreams of material beauty. February, August, and September are the best months of the year to start whatever is important to your life like career or new beginning. Just take care of your health for you are one of those animal signs that will have health issues this year for lack of rest. Travel is also scheduled to happen this year.

MONKEY 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

The months of February, September, and November will mean good business for the Monkey for things will gain fruits and rewards on these months. To top off the delight of the Monkey, travel abroad will be just fine and will bring positive opportunities and foreign partnership in life, both in business and romance.

ROOSTER 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

This is not a positive year for the Rooster. This year will be the complete opposite of those lucky and fun days of the Rooster. Although there will be some opening of positive opportunities for the months of March, July and August, Rooster people should still watch out their temper and the language they may say when angry that will put him/her in big trouble.

DOG 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

All positive possibilities shine for the Dog in the year of the Rabbit from being promoted to having a new love interest. March, September, and November are the best among the good months for the Dog. Always be careful in signing papers that may create some problems later in your life and your career.

PIG 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

This is a year of socializing, engagement, and eventually lifetime partnership for the Pig. The over-all forecast is good but relationship is the main focus on the Pig’s life this year. A piece of advice to the Pig — put your emotions above anything, follow what your heart says and you will not be wrong. March, April and September are the best months for the pig.

Happy new year to all Chinese friends and believers of the astrology. New beginning brings hope. Let us be positive and enjoy life in at its fullest.