Achieving Success by Putting Yourself First

By | February 1, 2011

Finally it’s 2011! Another year full of challenges and surprises!

People have asked me my number one advice to start this year. At first, I can hardly think of only one since there are so many great ideas I’d like to pass on. However after much thought, I’ve decided to suggest this gem, “Put yourself first!”

In essence, I’d like to stress the simple fact that you need to prioritize yourself. In our community, I’ve seen many people feel miserable because they are so kind to others and yet they are so hard on themselves. They put others first and put themselves last. They give too much and get nothing in return.

As a result, they eventually become victims of their own kindness. For being too nice, they feel overwhelmed as others can’t seem to get enough.

This year, it’s about time to reverse the process and put yourself FIRST.

Be yourself

Know your interests and talents. Acknowledge your gifts even as you correct your weaknesses. Follow your dreams rather than the dreams of your parents or your loved ones or your neighbors. They may think the best for you but they don’t see the vigor and glow that flow through your system.

Be yourself. You can’t afford unnecessary and negative influences from others. You’re too precious to look and sound just like anyone else. Stay away from those who claim they love you but in fact don’t recognize the power of your unique potential. Abandon your friends who spend time putting you down or making you feel small. But embrace those who respect your distinctiveness.

Create your unique path

For unknown reason, some people pursue the same familiar career path as their loved ones, best friends, or favorite public figure. They hope that aiming for the proven path will deliver that elusive wealth and confidence. But they eventually end up frustrated because in the real world, trying hard to be like anyone won’t give you any exceptional advantage.

Although it may cause discomfort and apprehension, being a trailblazer remains the better choice. Creating a new and yet different path should distinguish you from the herd and allows you to standout. This new path may be unfamiliar and scary, but it should deliver excitement and surprise as you navigate life’s rough and unexplored terrain.

Listen to your inner voice

Our world is a noisy place to live in. At home, you hear the stereo playing, the computer humming, the baby crying, and the couple laughing although at times, arguing. At work, the noise may be louder and thus more painful to the ear. Of course, there are more computers and people per square inch there than at home. All these noises though are clutters that cloud our mind, blocking us from all essential messages the universe is trying to send.

Allocate at least an hour each day just for you. During this time, quiet your mind, relax your body, calm your nerves, and regulate your breathing. Isolate yourself from the crowd, away from the chatters of your surroundings but stay closer to the sound and grandeur of nature. Open your mind and body from all messages coming from the heavens. Listen intently to the inner voice and cherish those unique insights that effortlessly flow through you.

Appreciate your being

Appreciate who you are — every bit of you. Love your successes and celebrate all lessons learned from your mistakes and painful past. Forgive yourself for all your previous transgressions. Forgive others for they are simply imperfect. Everyone has ghosts that he or she can’t run away from.

Appreciate your present even as you remember your past triumphs and get excited with your bright future. Live with gratitude in your hearts. Be thankful for the changing, unpredictable seasons; for the smile that an innocent child showers you every time you don’t feel right; for the wisdom that your elders impart when times are hard and confusing. Above all, be thankful for being alive!

So in 2011, put yourself FIRST. Be yourself, appreciate who you are, and listen to your inner voice as you create a unique path of growth one step at a time.