Eight Timeless Success Ideas

By | May 18, 2011

Five years after my Mama died of cancer, so many things have happened. Countries around the globe had gone through complicated recession. Many homeowners lost their possessions. Still so many others lost their jobs.

Stresses have gone up as people grapple through unforeseen challenges and hardships.

In my family, some nieces and nephews have already moved to universities; aiming for degrees that may eventually land them job security and hopefully financial stability. Personally, some parts of my hair have turned gray. I relish the thought that perhaps they are silver linings of wisdom rather than just signs of mild aging.

Problems have come and gone but Mama’s legacy to our family lingers on. Her eight success principles are just as applicable today and forever.

First: Be Enthusiastic

Show enthusiasm in anything you do. Enthusiasm is contagious! When at work, inspire your coworkers with your energy and motivation. Express your passion about an idea or project. Soon, your officemates and bosses will notice your exceptional drive.

Second: Pursue Your Priorities

Create a daily to-do list and rank them based on importance and need. Don’t confuse important activities and urgent ones as they are not the same. Some important matters are not necessarily urgent. Meanwhile, some urgent demands are not important. Start your day with your priority.

Third: Develop a Strong Focus

Focus on those projects, tasks, meetings, and events that can help you progress to the next level. With so many choices and distractions bombarding us daily, our world today can be overwhelming, if not outright confusing. Develop that razor-sharp focus necessary to advance.

Fourth: Establish Your Integrity

Honesty is still the best policy. There’s nothing better than truth other than truth itself. In dealing with ourselves and others, we need to be honest. We have to ensure that what we say reflect what we think and what we feel. In other words, we have to walk the talk. That’s integrity.

Fifth: Believe in Your Abilities

Develop confidence and strong belief in yourself. You should be your own best friend. You should believe in yourself even before you can believe in people. Genuine belief comes from within.

Sixth: Practice Self-Reflection

Know yourself. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Deal with your vulnerabilities and correct your mistakes. Accept the consequences of your actions and face the harsh realities associated with those actions. Make it a habit to analyze your situations, both past and present, so you can create the bright future you deserve.

Seventh: Be Generous

As the saying goes, “the more you give, the more you receive.” This also means that if you give little, you will get little. As human beings, we have so many talents, skills, material possessions, ideas, and time that we can share to others. Sky is the limit! By sharing what we have, we simply allow the universe to shower us its blessings.

Eighth: Have Faith

Having been in the medical field for many years, I have seen the wonders of science, the power of the universe, and the miracle of healing. When misfortune strikes and treatment fails, prayer becomes the surest, effective refuge. In good and in bad times, have faith for God is here! Have faith because healing and blessings are real for those who believe.

On Mama’s anniversary, we usually gather together, not only to celebrate her life on earth but also to remember her golden memories with us. Most importantly, we celebrate her legacy so these timeless success gems will be passed on to the next generations.