Holidays with Real-live Sharks

By | September 14, 2014

normally, the sight of one shark, much less hundreds of them would spark panic and scare among the people in the beach.
         The leopard sharks in La Jolla California, sparks a. different reaction instead of running away for their lives, visitors here head out toward the deeper water to get a closer look. For those who get the chance to swim with the sharks, they say the experience is exhilarating.
         The leopard sharks come close to shore” from June to early December, peaking August and September when hundreds congregate along a small stretch of the beach north of San Diego. The sharks that come out are mostly pregnant females and scientists believe they gather here to help with the gestation process.
         Because of a submarine canyon just offshore, the waves at La Jolla Shores tend to be smaller, which keeps the colder water of the deep from mixing with the warmer water of the shallows The small waves and warm water becomes a perfect place for cold-blooded sharks to hang out before giving birth what these pregnant females doing is they are incubating. They are developing embryos like a mother bird would sit on the eggs to keep them warm.
         How dangerous is it to swim with sharks in the open ocean. The answer is it is not dangerous at all, compared to the great white, leopard sharks are not aggressive and actually a bit timid. They’re actually quite skittish and can be hard for snorkelers to approach.
         The best way to swim with these animals is to float because kicking or any kind of noise tends to scare them away. For those who are interested, prime viewing season at La Jolla Beach located in San Diego in California is between August and December.
         No matter how they say swimming with the black sharks is safe, to me they are still sharks and I’ll be scared to go near them much more to swim with them. It could be fun for the young and the extremely adventurous ones.