Happy New Year from Balita

By | January 1, 2011

It is now the beginning of another year and it is time to reflect and appreciate once again all things we should be thankful for. There are moments when we feel down and discouraged, but after that have lapsed, here comes the realization that haynaku! its not that bad after all. How lucky can we be when compared to others, especially those that make it in the news, on television or in the papers, for example, where there’s more graphic presentation!
Some people are in eternal limbo- never satisfied with things they do or have, but instead are lost perpetually on the wishing spell all their lives. They do not know how to value the here and now, of temporal stuff or relationships, and are therefore unable to appreciate what is a blessing and what is not. To them it’s just not possible to give thanks.
Giving Thanks is central to our Christian faith. For Catholics every prayer we offer unto God acknowledges his omnipotence, as creator, and master of our fates. For all that, and for all that we have become, as His children, it is in us to be ever thankful.
Good health is on top of the list that we are thankful for. Illness or sickness can befall anyone at anytime. It is a sad day when that happens. We can only sympathize and pray, and it does remind us of our own vulnerabilities. ‘Health is Wealth’ was the rule then. Today it is still the guide that we go by at this stage of our lives.
I am thankful that my husband, Ruben- my partner, best friend, soul mate and my mentor- is hale and hearty as ever, in spite of his limited mobility. No one has given me so much love, or make me feel so special, that I consider myself lucky to have met and married him. Where others would have given up in his situation, the fighter that Ruben is, he takes his disability in stride. I am constantly amazed at how he strives to overcome every challenge, and at how he puts his faith in God’s hands. If it is the power of prayer or unconditional love for the Lord that is sustaining him, only God knows.
Ruben’s work in BALITA is continuing- he is still in full control of the editorial process, vehemently objecting on items that cross the line, or roaring with a hearty laugh for those that meet with his approval or amusement. His advocacy, respect and love for the Filipino community remains undiminished. As guarded as he is in looking after his health, so is he as zealous about keeping his beloved BALITA on the lead among Filipino newspapers. How can I not be inspired and spurred to work harder on the paper, if only to keep up with his enthusiasm!
Most important to thank for, Ruben and I deeply appreciate the enduring support and love of our many advertisers, countless readers worldwide now that we are online at “balita.ca”, and of course to our volunteer staff for all the sacrifices to make it happen.
On a personal note, I am ever grateful that I was afforded the opportunities to have become myself by my loving and very supportive parents, both now dearly departed and at peace with the Lord. Were it not for the nurturing family home that brought us up, the choice schools, the degrees and accomplishments, would we have had the guts and fortitude to forge on into the unknown new world!
I am thankful for my siblings, both those who are with me in Canada and those in the Philippines. I am happy we have good relationships, among each other, and with our in-laws as well. Everyone has bonded well, with healthy respect and genuine concern for one another in the extended family group.

As time marches on, so does the family dynamics. This year half of my family is spending Christmas in the Philippines. My youngest boy Edward is with them. Ever fascinated with the Philippine way of life and wanting to reconnect with their roots, my children also want to go home whenever they have the chance, like most of our Canadian born offsprings.
With FaceBook, what a great social networking tool for our children, fortunately! It has connected and kept them close to each other, and as well to relatives in other faraway places. Suddenly the world has shrunk in terms of time and distances. So thanks for this new technology.
As a mother with three boys- and there were years when I was a single mother, I am lucky they all toed the line and finished university. Two of them are now happily married. I have two beautiful grandchildren, with a third on the way. I am happy we can holiday together at times, giving us tremendous occasions for family bonding. Ruben and I have cherished the many trips we have made with them.
Where would we be without personal friends and kinfolks! We are blessed to have countless of them, many who are truly heaven sent, and many more who are plain good people that really sincerely care. I value you all as gold and love you like diamonds, so to speak. For the comfort and guidance, or the occasional ear to share my problems, or shoulder to cry on, I can never thank you enough.
Now I myself am hardly perfect. As I always say, in my heart I deeply respect and care for each person. I love to see people smile and be positive, because it affects me in the same way. I believe in relationships that bring out the best in a person, as God must have intended. What gets my dander up is when I see abuse, or injustice, and there is no acknowledgement of it. Being a newspaper that speaks for the community, at most times it is left for us to voice up the communities’ outrage. BALITA has faced numerous lawsuits as a result, but in the end our right to press freedom have always been upheld. Normally at my age I’d walk away from controversy, but when it comes to our sacred obligation as a crusading force, that is hard to do especially when our readers expect action from us. You see its not the usual me but my BALITA persona talking.
Finally, with Ruben’s condition, we could not believe how kind ordinary people and total strangers can be. Anywhere we go with Ruben in his wheelchair, so much acts of kindness and courtesy are shown our way everyday. People offer to open doors for us, help in pushing Ruben’s wheelchair or easing it over an obstacle, carry stuff at shopping places, or just flash a smile, say hello or simply politely get out of the way. Thanks God for this giant leap in attitude change. It now makes life a lot better for the disabled and wheelchair bound.
For Ruben and myself, our four years of waiting for our condo in the Philippines is finally ending. By December, we will be on the 16th floor of one of Eton Towers in Ortigas and because the first eight floors are commercial, we do not have to go anywhere for shopping and food. At least, that is another thing to look forward to. Some relatives can visit us instead of us going to their places where wheelchair access is virtually nil.

So for 2011, the wisest advice we can give you, our beloved readers, is to do a self-check and fine tune your life and attitude accordingly. So much change is going around us so fast that old habits do not cut it anymore. Enjoy and have fun but go easy on yourself. Be nice, be considerate of others, be respectful and sensitive to their dignity. It is soporific to be on your high horse while you are winning but it is a hollow achievement if you let people down in the process. Always remember there are those that may not be forgiving, including newspapers that speak for the interest of our community.

For our community volunteers who toil for the good of our community organizations, including those self ordained and so-called leaders, work with your members, in harmony, not against them. Leadership means to move the group for its benefit, not for the leader’s self-satisfaction. If not, then get out and let others do the job. Surely there are many others who can fill in. Members do not join organizations and pay dues to be abused, yelled at and insulted so learn to communicate effectively and respectfully. Know that the organization progressed not because of you alone but from its collective efforts.
And last but not least- say “thank you” a lot
For 2011 let us all put God first in our everything.