Centre for Independent Living: Your Support Is Needed

By | July 29, 2022

People with disabilities make up a growing proportion of the Canadian’s aging population. Over three million Canadians are with disability and more than two million families provides day-to-day support for a family member with a disability. However, many still face and experience significant barriers to living in a more inclusive and accessible community. Alarmingly, people with disabilities are more than twice as likely to live in poverty than other Canadians. They encounter exclusion from quality education, work, and social participation. Abuse against people with disabilities are even among the highest for any group in Canadian society.

Not only that the disability community has been calling for government action to develop a long-term disability strategy, but they are also yearning for understanding and support from their families and from the communities where they live. They are calling both the government and the community, and the society at large, to focus and work on improving access to and funding for disability supports and services, for income supports for persons with disabilities, and to build public awareness. They vision an inclusive and accessible community where children, youth, working-age adults, and seniors have the necessary disability-related supports to fully access and benefit from all that society has to offer.

Supporting the mission of local organizations that supports people with disability is one of the impactful ways to help achieve their vision. In Toronto, a non-profit organization called the Centre for Independent Living (CILT) tirelessly works to promote inclusivity and accessibility. CILT is run by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities. Their aim is to develop and implement dignified social services that empower individuals rather than create dependencies. Through their programs and services, they encourage people with disabilities to take control of their own lives by exercising their right to examine option and make choices. Volunteer or donate today to support their mission. To learn more, visit their website at www.cilt.ca.