By | October 15, 2010

Combining the stars and the elements of Earth will give us a clue on the general characteristics of a person and it can be their guide in pursuing their desires and plans in the future.


On the first part we already gave the two elements — fire and water and the six astrological signs namely Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Now, for the 2nd and last part, we’ll tackle the elements of earth and air and the other six astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricor, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. We have learned on the first part that combining the element and astrological sign will give us a deeper understanding on what we feel, who we are and what we may do for our future. Now let’s see the other half of the astrological signs and elements.


This is the most stable sign, the solid and the most dependable sign on Earth. People under the earth sign does not change that’s why they are considered real people. Why start something new when what is already there can be developed and can grow into something better. This is their main belief and for them, dwelling on what is new and unkown is almost a taboo. They are the most patient characters on Earth. They will wait for others to change but their waiting attitude will never cease. The negative characteristics of earth people are they are the most materialistic and possessive of all astrological elements on Earth. Their happiness depends on what they have and not on what they do not have.

TAURUS – Earth Sign April 21-May 21

Taurus – earth sign is the most stable and strongesth among all signs. They are known for their stubborn nature and their unwillingness to change whether for good or for better. They are also sensual people and loves happiness most of the time. They believe in a harmanious relationship and stay as a lifetime partner to his/her chosen love. They have a firm foundation of belief that can be dependable in the nurturing and developing of those around them.

VIRGO – Earth Sign August 22 – September 23

Virgo is the sign that lives on their own. They create a cordoned atmosphere in their life and surrounding. Homes of Virgo people have high walls so that their home are not visible from the outside and they feel secured this way. They are also very analytical people, very helpful, and dependable if they have proven you are worthy of their help.

CAPRICORN -Earth Sign December 23 – January 20

Capricorn – earth sign people are the most mysterious and deep. Being the purest among the earth signs, they have conservative mindset. They take interest in everything on Earth that possess a powerful symbol and stature from politics, sports, and anything. They are also the group of people that are successful in their financial life. The chance of getting rich and prosperous in life is at hand for Capricorn – earth sign people. If they start young, the chance of success is much bigger and better.


Air sign people are the kind that lives with their mind. They can formulate their own theories, solve problems clearly and faster than anybody else can and they never mind never cease on things that will make them stagnant. Like air, they cannot be contained, they cannot be touched or seen but mysteriously known for its presence. Their advance thinking of something keeps them out of touch of reality or becom eccentric to other slow thinkers. The gift of intelligence that they possess have a backlash on their emotional depth. Air sign is the only element that connects all elements on Earth. so, astrological sign under the air element are harmonious and are compatible to almost everybody. Having one in your life means a colorful and full of adventure living. You will never have a dull moment with air people.

GEMINI – Air Sign May 22 – June 21

Gemini-air sign people are the most flighty among air signs. Nobody can stop them in their flight of dreams, desirs, or plans. Slowing them down will not be for long for they do not know what to do in a slow-phased lifestyle. Being a Gemini, the sign of duality and the element of air makes a combination of a never ending search of their desire and belief. Again, you can glide with them in your life but for sure, the search for completion, perfection of happiness, and fulfillment will make that flight change any moment. Gemini-air is the sign of communication; they want to know everybody and everything. Converse with a Gemini and you will learn more than you expect. The perfect friends and partners for them are those who love adventure and never tire of trying something new. But stop growing and surely the Gemini air sign people will look for the somebody or something in his life.

LIBRA – Air Sign September 24 – October 23

The most balanced sign among the astrological signs. They bring harmony to all life on Earth. What they get, they give something in return. There are the most peaceful among all sign — a complete opposite of a Gemini. They are slow and sure. Their decisions are always right and perfect. The risk is less and they almost never make a mistake. Having a Libra in the family creates stability and balance at home.

AQUARIUS – Air Sign January 21 – February 19

Aquarius is the sign of change. They posssess unpredictable thinking and decision. Their emotion is erratic at times. Being the most advance thinker and having a shallow emotional depth, they tend to have a failed relationship. They want to be understood rather than the other way around. This sign are good teacher, lawyer, inventor but never a sensual person. Their concern is very deep — advancement of human civilization and perfection of human race. They can think of things that can only be seen in science fiction movies.

Be guided by learning and understanding your astrological sign. Change if you want for our life is made by our free will and everything is just a guide from our perceived destiny.