This & That

By | September 16, 2021

Soon, autumn will be upon us. This is my favorite season. The temperature is just right – not too hot and not too cold. Also, it seems that during the fall season, I find it conducive to reflection and for cooler and calmer heads to prevail. For many of us, it is also time to repot plants for winterizing them indoors hoping that they survive the winter as I do (I mean that I pray for the best for my dear plants after doing what I can to prepare to keep them warm and humidified during the winter season). So far I have been successful the past 2 winters that I have spent here in Canada. Sadly though. I brought the plants out to the garden too soon early this year. So excited I was when spring came this year, not realizing that spring can be quite tricky sometimes. And this year was when the frost, unexpectedly, came back. Alas, it resulted in the demise of my carefully and sometimes, painstakingly, looked- after plants during the winter. It was a painful lesson to learn. But a lesson nonetheless.

Timing is always of the essence is what I have learned. Another is the lesson of alertness and awareness. I should have been more aware of the weather reports which had forecasted the sudden drop of the temperature.  I should have waited for the weather to stabilize for at least 2 or 3 weeks before bringing them out. And of course, to take note of the changes in the weather. Taking care of plants is akin to taking care of your life. There is always the right time and season for everything. It reminds me of the poem “To A Mouse” by Robert Burns, widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland. In so many words, there is a line in the poem that says that no matter how much you plan ahead there will sometimes be something to make your plans go awry. How apt the truth to this line is in this world. You may have had your own experiences to prove this age-old adage. In this case, I find that lessons of adaptability and creativity come in pretty handy. When things don’t go the way you want, more often than not, we are daunted and are not open to other ideas flowing in. We are so focused on the negative that we cannot even open ourselves to the possibility that maybe, there are other ways to explore that will lead to your goal eventually. What I almost always find helpful is to just relax, let go and open your mind to other doors opening. Sometimes, we even have to just get our mind off the present moment.  More often than not, an idea comes in. Then you go from step to step as the ideas come in and voila!, before you know it, all is done. It may be a bit different from how you envisioned it but whatever it is, is still an accomplishment. Then, go on to the next goal. As we say, moving forward…

Speaking of moving forward – I am so excited to watch Shang-Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings for several reasons. First of all, is that this film is exactly what I watch online with avid interest – costume martial arts Chinese dramas. I just relish them with endless delight. How I wished though that I could watch them on the big screen, mainly because of the spectacle, the scenery and the cinematography.  Well, here it is in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings!!! Another reason is the timing of having an Asian Marvel Superhero for the first time with an almost all Asian (actually mostly Chinese, nevertheless, still Asian) cast. And, to top it all, breaking box office records for Labor Day weekend openings. I have not seen it but I will be there, Robert Burns or not, with my popcorn (no soda though) in the Cineplex theatre soon. Yehey! I speak of timing because of all the anti-Asian hate “crimes” prevalent in the Western world for the past year or so. It feels as if the universe is compensating for all the shameful and shocking treatment of the Asians around the world, especially in the western countries. I also find it interesting that it comes at a time of all the China-bashing going on especially in the media, mainstream or social. Primarily again, western media. 

With being Asian in mind – my thoughts wander to a good friend and accomplished documentary film maker aside from being the Chairman of the Department of Dance at York University, the distinguished Dr. Patrick Alcedo. I am so thrilled that we now have the first Filipino, and first Asian Chairman of a department in a prestigious university. Reminds one of the new Netflix comedy-drama series “The Chair” starring Sandra Oh, which I still have to finish watching myself. I understand Partick is off to the Cannes International Independent Film Festival  (CIFF) to be held from October 1 to 3 at the Espace Miramar in Cannes, France. One of his documentaries is participating in the festival. Congratulations, Patrick! You deserve it. 

I will have more of Patrick in the next issue just in time before he leaves for Cannes, France. After France, he will also be participating in another film festival in San Diego, California. But let me give you more details regarding these momentous events for Patrick and also for our community in the next issue of Balita. Something (and someone) to be proud of indeed. 

Speaking of films, I have discovered of late, the original beautiful boy – Timothee Chalamet. I saw him in Greta Gerwig’s movie adaptation of “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott a few years ago. I must say you cannot not notice him. Literally, he is one beautiful boy. But I just found out a week ago what an outstanding actor he is. I understand he is one of the youngest, if not the youngest nominee for a leading actor in the Oscars for the movie ”Call Me By My Name”, which I still have to watch.  I did see his other movie “Beautiful Boy” based on the true story of a father and son dealing with the drug addiction of the son. On Netflix, Timothee stars in a movie “The King” which is based on the plays of Shakespeare on Henry V. Great film! He did more than justice to the role. One can see that Timothee Chalamet is an old soul. He is so young but exudes maturity in the portrayal of his roles. I am keenly awaiting the release next month of the epic movie “Dune” where he is the male lead. An illustrious native of Quebec, Denis Villenueve directed this awesome (judging from the trailers and reviews) movie. It will be opening in theaters in October.  I will be there too with my popcorn, for sure.

By the way, the federal elections are just around the corner. I am decreeing that the Filipino-Canadians in the running will win, contribute to the building of this nation in a significant way and eventually work for our community’s dynamic representation in the Canadian government. I look forward to it!

Tessie O. Taylor