

Call it China bashing or paranoia:

Amid the prevailing tensions over the disputed Scarborough shoal or Panatag reef islands between the Philippines and The People’s Republic of china, there are nagging fears of an impending armed conflict between the protagonists or claimants with the superpower US keenly watching on the sidelines.. The stand off has created strained relations between the two countries which had traditional ties that dates back to the 15th century.
While both sides have not exhausted diplomatic means, there are unseen forces, some of them doomsayers, or plain believers in the
revival of the “Cold War era “ pushing through what is known as the “China Syndrome “.
With the dismantling of the old Russia, then known as the Union of Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR), the old rivalry between the US and the Russians have now been replaced according to a geographical misperception that China is the “Antipode “of the United States.
It declares that many Americans shares the view that China represents the other side of the world but suspiciously, political pundits see the real reason was the growing emergence of China as a major world superpower.
In short, it could be similar to China-phobia that prevailed some decades ago in the US when waves of Chinese and Asian immigrants begun arriving in US shores.
In the US , there are also some groups fanning the fires of Sino-phobia and lately, they tried to gain a foothold last May 11 weekends in Toronto urging Filipino-Canadians to protest before the Chinese consulate in the city. These “consulsultants “ failed to
attract protesters to their fold and cause.
Failing to do so, they sharply castigated Filipino Canadians for their lack of nationalism and patriotism. As if they have a patent on the word “nationalism” these “sulsul-tants “ are based in the US
and naturally will follow the US lines .
Nationalists? They are not. They are bringing China and the Philippines to the brink of war.
OK we’ll play to the “Sulsultants “ scenario and let’s see what life would be under the Chinese invaders.
-Under the People’s Republic of the Philippines (PRP), our Chinese bosses will of course appoint a new president to replace President Noynoy Aquino.
-On second thought, They might retain Noynoy as president because after all, P-noy has Chinese blood because his ancestors came from the village of Hongjian, Fujian province
-The cabinet will be composed of the Taipans and other prominent
Tsinoys like Ramon Ang of PAL, John Gokongwei of Robinson’s,
Henry Sy of Shoemart, Andrew Gotianum, The Yuchengcos,
and Akong and kabise as barangay chairmen.

– The sari sari store will be revived, credit cards will be abolished since you can make “utang “ from your friendly sari sari store and the plastic credit card will be replaced by a notebook “listahan “.
For bonus, there is no limit or deadlines on payments. :Pay when able is the motto.
-Si Hok Tong (siyoktong ) will now be the national drink instead of lambanog…Kampai ! instead of Tagay!
-pancit canton, tokwa or Ko sing Gaw Lu (singkong lugaw) will now replace adobo as the national dish, chop suey instead of pakbet,
-Instead of basketball, mahjong will be the national sport
-Manila will no longer be the capital city. Ongpin will be the new center of government, Binondo as the new financial center instead of Makati and Gandara the new technological center, Divisoria
with its flagship 168 Mall will supplant Mall of Asia (MOA).
What more at 168, knock offs will be the main attractions like fake watches, DVDs (pirated) Tshirts (Lacoste, Burberrys, Polo Ralph
Lauren, YSL (Yari Sa Laguna) and Made in UKs (UkayUkay) and cell phones (mostly GSMs meaning Galing Sa Magnanakaw).
So what else is new ? 60 to 70 percent of the Philippine economy
is controlled by Tsinoys (Chinese Filipino).They are the largest ethnic group in the Philippines while our national language is replete with many Chinese words.
O, Ano ikaw sabi?

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