

God created the world so perfect for God is so perfect. In every problem, there is a solution. In every challenge and trial, our Creator created things for us to overcome these adversities. All we have to do is look at our side and we will see how the world was created in its perfection.




God created the world in its perfection, however, man cannot comprehend how life on earth should be because of his foolish understanding and. The Bible itself will tell us about the simplicity of life and how to live in perfection and in harmony to the constant changes of the world itself. But man, in his boastfulness of his intelligence, made his life hard and dangerous.

            Weather or climate change is because of man’s destruction of earth. The abuses were man-made and now we are suffering the consequences of our actions but, still man calls the disaster we inflict to ourselves as an act of God. It is funny to some and ironic to others to tag the adverse effects of man’s actions to the name of our perfect Creator.           Here in the Philippines, we are now suffering an outbreak or epidemic of the dengue virus. The dengue virus is carried by mosquito and now has four different kinds of strain-virus. The result of every bite to a human by this kind of mosquito is so deadly for one may suffer from high fever or hemorrhagic fever, where bleeding or lost of blood platelets and red blood cells were experienced by the victim of dengue. Within a week, a patient may die due to lost of red-blood cells or platelets.

            Medical science has no remedy or vaccine to alleviate the situation. All they can do is to put an IV or Inter-venous fluid and add platelets or red blood cells to a victim until the virus has done its course in the patient’s body.

            Again we put our lives solely to the intelligence of man, its limited and complex capacity. If we just put God in front of every problem, then we will see the simplified truth perfection of God’s creation. The dengue mosquitoes are His creation as well as the TAWA TAWA, Botobotones, Gatas-gatas or with the scientific name of Euphorbia Hirta, a plant or weed that can be found all over the Philippines. If there are so many mosquitoes, the Tawa tawa is also abundant all over the country. It just grows everywhere where there is soil. It is a slender-stemmed hairy plant with many branches from the base to the top and grows to about 50 centimeters tall. Its flowers and seeds are scattered in several segments of the stem. The whole plant is known to have properties of anti-asthmatic, antidote, anti-spasmodic, anthelmintic, antidysenteric, diuretic, expectorant, pectoral, hemostatic, sedative and soporific.

            The use of this plant is numerous if put in print based on worldwide folkloric. We will just mention some of its uses that can be helpful for us Filipinos. The milky juice from its stem can cure sore-eyes by dropping it daily to the affected eye. The juice straight from the plants can also be applied directly to wounds, warts and boils. But for ailment such as dengue, asthma, blood lost cause of vaginal problem, hemorrhoids, kidney stones, diabetes and allergy to name some, what we need to do is to boil several leaves and stems (three hand full) in two to three cups of water under low fire then after 10 minutes, drink a glass every hour for severe dengue cases while three glass everyday will heal the above-mentioned ailments and sickness.    

            The medical science still do not accept and fully endors its effectiveness as an anti-dengue herb. Although several hospitals in Manila and in the provinces that run out of medical supplies and is now jam-packed by about 60,000 dengue patients are now telling the new patients of tawa-tawa plant’s benefits though it’s unofficial to try such alternative. Many patients have testified that with the use of Tawa-tawa, they got better faster compared to patients in the hospital administered with the conventional way of blood transfusion and IV-fluid.

            When there is no more solution given to our problem and death is inevitable, alternative solutions such as trying to cure oneself with the herb Tawa tawa will cause no harm. Most especially, this plant is free, has no side effects and no known over-dose cases. Let us try to encourage our dengue patients to try this as a cure.

            God created the world in its perfection and simplicity. Try to learn the way sof our forefathers then we will longer life where there is less sickness and fewer problems than we have today.

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