
Memorial of Jesus’ Death on March 24

These days, millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide are now actively engaged in a special campaign to invite people of all races to the memorial of Jesus’ Death, which will be held on March 24 at 7:30 in the evening. 

These Memorial Invitations contain the venue and other details for this important event. Those who live elsewhere can also find the venue by going to the JW website and searching for it.

Since this special campaign started on March 2, these Witnesses have probably already approached thousands of people in Toronto, knocking on their doors, inviting them, and handing them these memorial invitations.

These days, they are very visible, walking on the streets in groups, with their Bibles in their hands, trying to reach and invite as many people as possible to attend the commemoration of Jesus’ death.

Sometimes, people turn them down, but they still don’t take it personally; peacefully, they leave after saying to the householder, “Thank you for your time, and we respect your religion.”

These days, we can see this typical scenario when these Witnesses do their ministry: 

JW Sister–Hello, good morning, how are you today?

Householder–I’m OK. What’s that all about?

JW Sister–Well, I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and we are now involved in a special campaign inviting people to the memorial of Jesus’ death, which will be held on March 24 at Guild Inn Estate in Guildwood at 7:30 in the evening.  

JW Sister, I want to invite you to the memorial of Jesus’ death. This is our invitation, and all the details of that important event are inside here.

Householder—Well, I’m a Catholic, but I’m not close-minded. I respect other people’s religions, too.

JW Sister—Thanks so much; I appreciate your attitude.

Householder–May I know why you must commemorate Jesus’ death?

JW Sister- It’s good you asked that question because I have this short video–  Remember Jesus’ Death– that shows the importance of his death. May I show it to you?

Householder—It’s OK

JW Sister, this video shows the importance of commemorating Jesus’ death because he died for our sins. Before he died, Jesus told his disciples to commemorate his sacrifices. Luke 22:19 says, “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” With his death, it’s now possible for us to live in peace, have abundant food, and live forever in Paradise Earth.

JW Sister–In the invitation, a special Bible talk about ”The Ressurection, Victory Over Death” will be delivered on March 10 at our Kingdom Hall at 1425 Morning Ave. The speaker will discuss what the resurrection can mean for you and your loved ones.

JW Sister, Thank you for giving me a few minutes to discuss this important event. My name is Dair. What is your name?

Householder—I’m  Merlinda.

JW Sister—Merlinda, thanks so much; I hope to see you again one of these days.

If these Jehovah’s Witnesses ever knock on your door during their house-to-house ministry or call your homes during their telephone witnessing work, they will be happy to share some comforting thoughts from the Bible with you. 

They also give free Bible study to all people, and because they hold on to the Bible as the standard for all their beliefs, they are very willing to answer whatever questions people might have about life using the Holy Scriptures for answers.

Whatever we are doing now- making a living, pursuing a career, doing some business, travelling, or enjoying your retirement- don’t forget to do the more important things in life, feeding our spirituality.

To conclude this piece, let’s reflect on these thoughts in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14: “The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments for this is the whole obligation of man. 14  For the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad. “

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