

As the festive air of the Christmas holidays thickens, I am reminded of the heart and soul of Christmas – generosity.  True – Christmas was meant to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by Christians. But it is also a time for giving, of togetherness, of thinking of others, and a time to let go of negative feelings and be grateful for what we have in our lives.

This is exactly what a good friend had in mind when she started a community project for fisher folks in the Bicol region in the Philippines. As I had mentioned in my last column, a friend and “balae” of mine had wanted to honor and keep alive the memory of her much beloved, late departed daughter Bianca, in a most meaningful way.  In a way it was also to channel the energies of grieving and separation into a more productive manner.  A way to reach out and have a positive impact on other people. 

Since her daughter loved the sea so much, and would often spend hours on the beach, she contributed bancas to fisherfolk whose boats were damaged (oftentimes beyond repair or even totally lost at sea).  This was worked out through a local NGO in Bicol who were helping the community whose livelihood depended on fishing. When Rose, my “balae” and I were talking about this project, I thought that we were talking about a few bancas (after all, one banca, I believe costs around anywhere from P20,000 to P50,000). To date, she has donated over 20 bancas already, and still counting. The fishermen-beneficiaries must be so happy and grateful for this generous helping hand from their fellow human being. In this case, Rose Montenegro.

Each of the bancas donated carry the name Binky Boo –  Dona Bianca.  Binky Boo was her daughter’s nickname.  I find it an endearing way to keep her daugher’s memory alive and at the same time helping other people in a consequential manner. The beneficiaries must be so happy and grateful that there is someone like Rose to lend them a generous helping hand especially since this means being able to place food on the table (and more, I’m sure) in their daily lives.


Having finished high school in Assumption College In Makati, and eventually earning a degree in B.S. Major in Psychology, Minor in Spanish in 2003 at the Ateneo de Manila University, Bianca was a bright and diligent student.  She loved learning new things and keeping in close touch with all the friends she made in school. So, Rose decided to set up a scholarship program named “Just B” in cooperation with the High School Department of Assumption College.

This high school scholarship program –

Supports 3 deserving scholars through High School in Assumption College

Through annual tuition including a monthly stipend plus a laptop for e-learning

And it is heartening to know that the selection criteria is not just a high IQ but is to be combined with a high EQ, aside from a passion for sports.

Oftentimes, in schools, emotional intelligence (or EQ- emotion quotient) is not given as much importance as the IQ (intelligent quotient).  I cannot help but remember a quotation I read somewhere, sometime ago, which goes “IQ gets you hired, but EQ gets you promoted.” Very apropos. Think about it.

Bianca was quite athletic and was an all-around sports aficionado.  Their whole family is, for that matter.  Rose herself used to play a mean game of tennis. Hence the criteria for being sports-minded. And I think being active in sports and other outdoor physical activities contributes to our being mentally sharp, aside from having more oxygen running through our bodies.

Once again, her memory is kept alive in this worthwhile manner while at the same time helping talented, deserving, young ladies whose families could use some help to get through high school. To top it all, Bianca’s high school batch mates have set up a special monthly mentorship program to guide and help these “Just B” scholars.  I think this is a perfect way to round off a wonderful project to make a difference in other people’s lives, while at the same time, giving honor to a loved one


One last, but not least, endeavor Rose started was a heart-warming monthly ritual for the 6 year old son of Bianca (her grandson) Rafa (named after Rafael Nadal, the tennis great). Every 23rd of the month he releases one balloon up and away to the sky. In her own poignant words, she tells Rafa,

“As long love is in your heart, the invisible string connects you to mommy Bianca. An invisible string made of love. Even though you can’t see it, you feel it deep in your heart and know that you are always connected.”

With this, I could not help but be moved by the depth of the emotions of my friend and her efforts to keep it all together and at the same time be of help to others.

It would be such a boon to humanity if we could all be as compassionate and kind and generous as some people are. One of them being Rose.  I am reminded of a quotation from Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” – “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” And Rose (if she had any other name) would smell just as sweet with all she is doing to reach out to her fellow human beings. I wonder if she has planted wild roses in her garden at home? 

Tessie O. Taylor

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