
7 Simple Approaches to Face the Uncertainties of 2012

Welcome 2012!

One challenging year is gone. Another year beckons and another chance to live a
renewed, positive life. All of us will be a year older but hopefully a year wiser.

Although most people welcome the New Year with gladness and enthusiasm, some
are still hounded by gloom and uncertainty. I can’t blame them. With a backdrop of
economic crisis and natural disasters in some parts of the world, the last three years have
been tough.

Surely, most Canadians are fortunate. But for some, doubt and insecurity still linger. How
do we deal then with the uncertainties of 2012?

Start Fresh

It’s the New Year. Start fresh by renewing your mind and looking at life from a different
perspective. Discard old, worn-out ideas that simply put you down. And pursue novel
thinking with vigor and resolve. Set realistic goals that can change your life for the better.
Always learn from the past and never repeat your mistakes.

Love what you have

Love what you have now —family, friends, profession, house, and time. They are the
only ones you own. Establish your own benchmark and never compare yourself to others.
If you want to be miserable, envy your neighbors’ possessions. Value your work and
give your employers, your co-workers, and your customers the respect and dignity they

Respect your time and finances

Manage your time wisely. Be in control and don’t let others run your life through their
unrealistic requests and demands. The word “No” is short and handy; use it often. Also,
budget your finances and never allow the lure of TV ads grab your last dollar from your
wallet. Buy only what you need. Pay off your bad debts (for example, credit cards) as
soon as possible.


Live simply

Life can only become complicated when you make it so. You have a choice. Luxury
items can’t guarantee joy and contentment but can certainly guarantee indebtedness. Stay
away from thorny situations and difficult people. But if you’re involved with one, deal
with them with courage and determination. Live simply and live a peaceful life.

Prioritize personal and spiritual growth

Growth is the essence of life. Grow by learning and doing. Try new things. Innovate and
invent. Listen to the wisdom of the elders and reflect on their experiences. Absorb the
ideas of great men and women; learn how they faced their challenges. Indeed, the path to
growth is quite fulfilling.

Honor your family

When you’re with family, make sure that your moment together is golden. Let your loved
ones cherish every second of togetherness with love and joy. Respect each other’s space.
Avoid unnecessary arguments, harmful comments, or negative remarks that only hurt the
feelings of those around you.

Give more

Share a portion of what you have to the needy. It doesn’t mean that you only give money
or material things. Time, talent, skills and experiences are just as important to give. Even
a smile can brighten a depressed person’s day. Offer a compliment, a warm hug, a pat in
the back, a short word of wisdom. They’re free to give and yet they are powerful.

Above all, thank and praise the Source of your strengths and your blessings, the Infinite
Hand that has provided you all these years. HE truly deserves our worship.

Have a blessed New Year!

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